
To Brighten Your Smile

Interesting Fact

Bleaching will brighten the color of teeth that are discolored, stained, or have been darkened as a result of injury. It changes the color of the teeth without removing any tooth structure.

Bleaching: To Brighten Your Smile

Bleaching is comfortable, and the side effects are few. Some patients find their teeth are more sensitive to hot and cold foods, but the sensitivity disappears after a few days. A toothpaste for sensitive teeth may help.

Our preferred method is a bleaching kit that the patient receives from the dentist and uses at home. In the first visit, the dentist takes a model of the patient’s teeth. In the second visit, the patient picks up the custom-made bleaching tray and the bleaching gel. Then the patient wears the tray, filled with the bleaching gel, usually at night for several nights.

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13 Mesilat Yesharim St., Jerusalem

Ground floor – wheelchair accessible

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